Sabtu, 11 Agustus 2012

New Year...New Tagline...New Spirit!! ^^

From my :
Feb 2, '12 11:21 AM
for everyone

Well it's all about ri-Creare...
We've decided to change our tagline from "recycled jeans bag" into simply "redesign, re-create and reuse" mmm why?

Actually...this is something that we've been discussed it for many times. We love handmade stuff and making it too, so...we're hoping that we could make handmade bag (like before) or anything else, not only from unused jeans fabrics but also other fabrics. Of course, we still combined it with new fabrics and accessories. But, the base material fabrics...we're still gonna use from second handed fabrics, unused fabrics, etc. That's why we change our ri-Creare tagline into "redesign, re-create and reuse" cause we're gonna use other second handed/ unused fabrics as our base material fabrics and then redesign it, re-create it and reuse it (for this one...we're hoping that you...our customer could help us reuse it, by buying our creation v^^v hehehehe). Though we're still learning about sewing, handmade etc, but we hope you'll love our, thank you so much ^^

Ow yes...why i'm writing all of this in english? cause I'm practicing my's been a long time since the last one, it's saids's good for your brain if you learn and practicing something new, or remembering your study, skills, etc...including practicing your english ahahaha :D  maybe someday I'll learn n use other language...korean maybe :D *kekekekekek* ....umm no, I think sundanese would be awesome hehehe v^^v

ri-Creare with previous tagline :

 ri-Creare with latest tagline :

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