Selasa, 29 Januari 2013

Memories of you...

The memories ease the pain inside
Now I know why....

(Within Temptation - Memories)

Yup...I think that lyric from Within Temptation's song called Memories will fit with what i'm gonna wrote. Let's take a break from crafting and sewing for a moment, and just be a little bit melancholic :D

Few weeks ago...ah no...recently on this month or a couple of month, it's always raining in my city where i lived. Whenever it's raining, what's perfect to do are...take a cup of coffee, see out side the window. and watch the raindrops...then take your guitar and play few songs (well i'm not a good guitar player..but it's fun, just strumming it like crazy hehehe) anyway it's raining right? no ones gonna heard that hehehe...maybe :p

I always love rain (when i'm inside the house, not really when i'm outside the house ahahaha) I kinda like the smells. Let's go back to the topic that i want to share with you all. Flashing the very start, when i got my guitar. It's a gift from my Father and what i'm gonna wrote is that moment...that memories.

I'm not really close with my Father (which i regret it until now), all my friends knows that. But we're not gonna talk about that, let's just focus on the topic. But first, let me ask you...have you ever got a surprise gift from your Father? well...I believe the answer is "yes". It's a yes for me too...few times actually. That's my Father...he has an angel heart, even though we're not that often to had a conversations...he'd always know what his children needs and i know for sure, his efforts...he tried hard to make us happy and gets what we want or what we need. For example, it's my guitar. In my junior high, there's a music class...or what we called it music art lesson/Seni Musik. The teacher, i think his name is mr. Dedi, he decided to have a guitar exam for his class...just play a simple song. Few of us, including me doesn't even know how to play guitar. He gave us about a week or two (i don't know for sure) to practice, how to hold a guitar, how to play chords, how to play a simple song. Funny things are...we' re so excited about it.

Luckily in my junior high library, they provide us a music corner...which has a keyboard and a guitar (isn't cool...a music instrument in a library, a place that suppose to be quiet...hehehe) it's because the chief of our library is mr. Rasyid (i think...i forget his name v^^) he's our another art teacher, specially on drawing and painting. But, he's a great guitar player...he's kinda classical and folk fingerstyle guitar player. Maybe, that's the reasons why there are music instruments at his "office". and my friends who doesn't know how to play guitar, always comes to the library on break times or whenever there's no class...luckily again, our library is not a favourite place to hang out at my school at that it's kinda quiet and peacefull place. We always take a friend who know how to play guitar with us, so he/she can teach us. There's a few times too, when mr Rasyid is around...we ask him to teach us too, he teach us chords, few scales and arpeggios (i only remember the C major one ahahaha). We do that almost everyday on break times, free times and after the classes is over. When it's not at school, I go to my friends house who have a guitar and know how to play it and practice there. That's causes me got home late for days.

My Father saw that and ask me why i always got home late, at that time. Then, I explain it to him the reasons. I said that i have to practice guitar for music exam, and the times it's so short....the exam it's only a few days ahead. With one guitar (or two...i forgot) at my school, while the kids who use it to practice are more than ten (sort of... :D) so it's not effective, and i'm a slow learner for that kind of stuff. That's why i have to go to my friends house and practice there (at that time, my hand are so stiff while holding a guitar neck, how am i gonna play chords if i'm not get use to it hehehe poor me...). On the next day, when i got home (late like the other days)...there's my Father sitting, watching tv while waiting for me. After i says "Assalamualaikum..." (It's a common greeting in a muslim family when we come home/we go out/ meet somebody) he answered "Waalaikum salam" then he ask me to go to my parents room before i go to my room. I said "why? what is it?" he said "just go...and see, near the windows". Then i'll just do what he said, and when i saw below the windows, there's a guitar soft case lean in to the wall. I remembered...i smile widely and said in my heart "no...way...."  i just go open it right away, and's a Guitar (a classic guitar...I think ^^ ), I'm so happy and didn't realize that my father already stands in the door...and he said "so, it's not a problem anymore...right?" I'm so thankfull and says thanks to him, and ask him when, where he bought that guitar...cause he never mention it to me even once, that he has a plan to bought it or ask me do i want to have or bought a guitar...and i never ask him to bought me a guitar (or did i? hehehe). All i can remember is...i only said that, if only i have a guitar maybe i could practice at home....that's it. So, I never expected anything...and that's why i'm so surprised and happy at the same time, and never expected that my Father would have that kind of idea to surprise me (considering that we're not so close), yup...i think that was the first time he did that to me. The story behind how he bought that guitar for me, it's turn out that he ask for a help ^^ from his college student and ask him to bought it at music store (with my Father's course) cause he (my Father) didn't know anything about guitar too...just like me :D ( Daughter).

Thanks to my Father and my guitar, i finally made it...i can play a song for my music exam. Not so good...but it's close :D it's an all day hard works, finally pay you want to know what song i played on my music exam? hehehehe it's a famous one...a kids song, it called "Pelangi" hehehehe shut up....(don't laugh!)

"Pelangi...pelangi...alangkah indahmu...merah kuning hijau dilangit yang biru....pelukismu agung, siapa gerangan? Pelangi...pelangi...ciptaan Tuhan"

Hehehe that's the memories of my Father and my guitar. Whenever i saw my guitar and play it, i'll always remembered that moment...that memories...and my Father. Thank you Dad....for the gift, and for the memories...I believe that you're happy now, rest in peace and lived at the most beautiful place in heaven, cause you're a great man, a man with a good heart...and a great Father for us.

The memories ease the pain inside
Now I Know why....
All of my memories
Keep you near
In silent moments
Imagine you'd be here
All of my memories
Keep you near
The silent whispers, silent tears

(Within Temptation - Memories)


Senin, 28 Januari 2013

Shapes of Bags

Menurut Amethyst Handbag Library, ada beberapa bentuk dan ukuran tas. Beberapa diantaranya, biasa kita sebut dengan tas tangan (Handbag). Apa itu Handbag? Handbag (tas tangan) adalah sebuah tas yang dipegang ditangan atau digantungkan di pundak *masa iya disebut tas tangan klo dibawa dikaki heheheh bercanda...bercanda*, yang digunakan untuk membawa beberapa barang/keperluan pribadi.

1. Backpack
Backpack (Tas punggung) adalah tas/ransel yang beratnya dibebankan pada kedua pundak atau diantaranya. Biasanya dipakai atau diselempangkan dipunggung dengan tali pada salah satu pundak/kedua pundak. (yaa kurleb gt lah :D ). Backpack biasanya memiliki tutup resleting, flap atau dengan tali serut atau draw string.

2. Barrel

Sebuah purse berbentuk silinder horizontal dengan resleting sebagai penutupnya, biasa disebut "Roll bag" juga.

3. Clutch
Biasa disebut "Pouchette" adalah sebuah tas dompet kecil yg pada umumnya tanpa tali pengikat atau tali pegangan, digunakan dengan cara diselipkan dibawah lengan/ketiak. Terkadang ada juga yang disediakan dengan tali pundak atau tali pergelangan tangan yang dapat dilepas. 

4. Double Handle
Tas dengan ukuran kecil hingga medium dengan dua buah tali pegangan yang dapat digunakan dengan cara menggantungnya di pundak.

5. Flap
Tas dengan penutup tambahan berupa flap...aihhh gimana bahasa yang enaknya yaa, gt dah pokoknya :D

6. Facile
Sebuah tas dengan bingkai penutup...aiiihhh bingung lg dah bhs Indonesianya T_T well it said that Facile is a bag that has a covered frame that snaps together as the closure...ngeuh ya?ngeuh ya?iyaa dong.

7. Hobo
Nah, yang ini paling sering muncul sebagai tas sehari-hari nih, klo AHLnya sih bilang Hobo adalah tas pundak dengan bentuk bulan sabit yang resleting penutupnya ada ditengah dengan posisi masuk ke dalam (melengkung kali yaa maksudnya), tapi kadang juga banyak yg terbuka...model-model tote...hobo tote kali yaa *ahahah maksa.

8. Luggage Frame
Sebuah tas mirip koper dengan penutup berupa bingkai penutup metal, populer di era 50an (sorry don't know bout that...never been in that era :D ahahah haven't born yet)

9. Luggage Handle
Sebuah tas dengan penutup yang dibentuk untuk pegangan tangan, berbahan kaku/keras. This shape of bags is originating in the 60's

10. Shoulder bag
Tas berukuran kecil hingga medium dengan rantai panjang atau tali tipis/kecil yang dipakai di pundak atau direntangkan melintang di badan. Saat ini, Shoulder bag dengan tali pendek lagi ngetren (lagi). Debut tas model ini ada di era 30an.

11. Tote bag
Sebuah tas berbentuk kotak dengan ukuran medium hingga besar. Bagian atas tas terbuka dengan dua buah tali pegangan/pundak. Ukurannya yg cukup besar membuat tas tote biasa juga digunakan untuk belanja (karena muat banyak barang gt), that's why it called "Shopper" too.

12. Trapezoid
Sebuah tas dengan bentuk A-line atau trapesium kali yaa.

13. Bucket
Sebuah tas pundak yang kaku dengan bentuk menyerupai keranjang dengan bagian atas tas terbuka, terkadang ada juga yg bagian bawahnya berbentuk oval.

14. Camera
Tas yang biasanya berbentuk kotak persegi panjang dengan bagian sudut membulat. Dilengkapi penutup resleting di bagian atas dan umumnya terdapat banyak saku di bagian luar.

15. Drawstring
Tipe tas dengan tali yang dapat ditarik untuk menutup bagian atas tas.

16. Frame
Sebuah tas yang memiliki pengunci dari logam berupa snap/pengait jepret :D tombol maupun gesper.

*hadeuuuhh plis deh Sheu,pengait jepret bhs indonesia yg benernya apa sih? hehehe*

17. Satchel
Sebuah tas berbetuk kotak ataupun kubah dengan penutup resleting. Lebih dikenali dari bentuk bagian bawahnya yang lebar, rata dan ber-gusset. Tas ini dibawa dengan cara digantung di lipatan lengan, karena memiliki pegangan yang pendek.

18. Structured
Is how you'd describe a hard constructed handbag. Semacam tas yang terbuat dari material yang keras dan kaku, sehingga tasnya jadi memiliki bentuk yang kokoh, kaku dan keras...bentuknya ngga akan berubah, meskipun diletakkan begitu aja....*aihhhh bingung dah ngejelasinnya*

19. Wire Frame 
Sebuah tas dengan penutup resleting, untuk menjaga agar bentuknya tetap dan ngga berubah biasanya disekeliling bagian atasnya terdapat semacam kawat.

Yup...kurang lebih begitu deh ^^ untuk lebih kenal dan tau tentang all about bags mending langsung browsing atau cekidot ke narasumber yang lebih ahli deh.

Maap-maap nih untuk penjelasan dari sy yang rada ngaco hehehe *harap maklum yaa...*

Sabtu, 05 Januari 2013

2013 yeyyyy ^^

Yeyyy New Year ^^

Yup we're still reducing jeans fabric goes to the landfill by reusing and re-creating it into something different yet useful ^^, check out our latest stuff at KONGETSU